KM Supplier Showcase app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: Guidebook Inc
First release : 28 Mar 2016
App size: 94 Mb
Kinder Morgan has joined the digital age to help enhance your conference experience. This app will provide attendees with conference information such as directions, Sponsorship info, exhibitor locations, golf day info, a schedule of events, and much more.
What is Kinder Morgan?
• Kinder Morgan, Inc. is the largest energy infrastructure company in North America. It owns an interest in or operates approximately 84,000 miles of pipelines and approximately 180 terminals. The company’s pipelines transport natural gas, gasoline, crude oil, CO2 and other products, and its terminals store petroleum products and chemicals, and handle bulk materials like coal and petroleum coke. Kinder Morgan is the largest midstream and third largest energy company in North America. For more information please visit
• Kinder Morgan is challenged to seek the greatest value for its corporate dollar. Supplier Showcase is a Kinder Morgan-sponsored supplier trade fair to bring together key suppliers with Kinder Morgan decision makers. The events include a golf tournament, reception, and lunch with Kinder Morgan CEO Steve Kean.
Who should attend?
• Key suppliers, Kinder Morgan decision makers, golfers
• Supplier participation is by invitation only and is limited to 184 key suppliers
• Key exhibitors are those suppliers providing products or services across Kinder Morgans many business units
Why should you attend?
• Meet and market to over 400 of Kinder Morgans key decision makers in a captive environment
• Discuss opportunities for more business across all Kinder Morgan businesses
• Learn where Kinder Morgan assets are located via handouts of system maps and related KM Information
• Hear from Kinder Morgan CEO Steve Kean during the Thursday Luncheon People First, Safety Always
• Kinder Morgan constantly strives to maintain a safe and healthy workplace for Employees and Contractors. To demonstrate our commitment to excellence, we report our environmental, health, and safety performance to the public.
• Our Contractors partner with us to achieve our safety goals. In recognition of our Contractors efforts, Kinder Morgan recognizes the top safety performers on an annual basis.
• Join us in May 2016, as we congratulate the safety award winners as part of our Supplier Showcase